Intimate space.
Precious time in life.
Here we introduce you to movies about I.D.Works homebuilding.

A rural life in winter | A renovated one-story house with a wood burning stove

I.D.Works pre-opening event before renovation for a new office “KOTOWAZA – Things start from here” [2020.11.03]

A comfortable life [ A house with a White Tree ]

I.D.Works brand movie 2020 —Fostering the richness of life

I.D.Works Model Housebuilding Method Movie

[One day when I started living in an one-story house in the suburbs / suburban life]

One-story house with Functional Beauty

I.D.Works 5th Anniversary Event I.D.Works PICNIC MARKET

I.D.Works BRAND MOVIE 2017
Please feel free to contact us about any worries, consultations,
and questions about your home or projects, etc.
Office Hours 9:00 ~ 18:00 Closed Wednesdays & Holidays